Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Atlanta: Day 7

Our last post...

I really don't know where to begin.  It's been such an amazing week and now it's all coming to a close.  Today was our "free day" where we could do whatever we wanted as a group.  We decided a while back already that as long as we were going to be down in Atlanta we should check out the Georgia Aquarium.  We also decided to take a tour of CNN.  It was close to everything else so we thought we'd check it out.  It was pretty amazing to see what goes on behind the scenes in preparation for a news story.  Allison got to try her hand as a news anchor reading off a teleprompter and delivering the news - she did a great job:)

The Georgia Aquarium... Wow it was pretty amazing to get a close up look at some of God's creatures which, for the most part, would be difficult to encounter in the wild because of where they live.  From fish in the Amazon River to jellyfish and giant manta rays - it was quite something to take in.  However, I imagine none of us will forget the huge whale sharks in the aquarium.  Wow, what a site to behold.  We really enjoyed our time walking around and looking at the different fish and critters of the sea, lakes and rivers.  But our day was not done.

We left the aquarium and began heading towards Underground Atlanta.  We wanted to check out a few shops and see what the area was all about.  We figured we would get a bite to eat somewhere along the way and decided to look for a place using Google Maps.  Well, we found a little pizza joint, but it was a little more off the beaten path than we anticipated.  Nonetheless, we decided to check it out and it turned out being some pretty tasty pizza.  The fun started when we left.

We began walking down the street and were waiting for our whole group to catch up before we crossed the street and then noticed Josh, Noah and Michael were talking to a man sitting on a chair outside the restaurant.  We walked back to see what was going on and found out the man was homeless and was asking the boys about what they were doing in Atlanta.  One thing led to another and we ended up spending some time in prayer over this man and giving him the phone number to 7 Bridges (the church we worked with all week).  As we left we were approached by a husband and a wife who were living on the streets, daily spreading the gospel and ministering to people.  They talked to our group and encouraged us.  We decided to pray with them and then two strangers joined our circle for prayer.  We talked to each of them afterwards and ended up praying for each of them and handed them the number for 7 Bridges as well.  Again we went on our way and again we began talking with another man.  He knew we were Christians and was trying to say all the right things to get some money.  We ended up taking him into a restaurant to buy him a meal.  Not long after that we bought another man a meal.  Our mission work was "done" yet what did we end up doing in Atlanta on our free day?

We saw pretty quickly we didn't need an organization or another church leading us to people so we could minister to them.  We just had to be open to be used by God, be sensitive to the needs of those around us and then be willing to talk to them and show them Christ's love.  The CNN tour was good, and we really enjoyed the Georgia Aquarium, but the unplanned encounters with "the least of these" was probably the hight point of the day for us as a group.

The challenge will now be to come back home and back to the distractions of life which suck up all our time, and still continue to have that desire to bring the gospel to the lost in our community.  There is so much we can do here in Sheboygan County, but I fear the busyness of life will get in our way.  It's my prayer we don't slip back into our routines.  It's my prayer that we look for ways to find and help those in need in our own community.  There is so much we can do as the body of Christ.  Let's continue the conversation!

Allison assuming the role of an anchor news woman

 The Olympic rings with the torch in the background

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 6: The Bluffs

Today we got up like usual, had breakfast at 8:15 except this breakfast was a little different for us Wisconsinites. We got to experience some nice and hot grits for the first time.  Some of us loved it and others hated it.  Personally I thought that the texture was a little weird but if you mix enough cheese in with it it tasted delicious. Once we got our fill we went to 7 Bridges where we made yet another 525 lunches for the homeless...I even have a mustard stain to prove it. Today we went on the Bluff route again.  We got to play and sing with children and walk around the Bluff handing out lunches and ministering to people. One thing that really stuck out to me today was when I was talking to this little girl, Demetria, and I was just asking her questions like do you know Jesus and she looked at me with a big smile and nodded her head with a mouth full of bologna. I turned around to talk to the boy next to me and Demetria came up behind me, gave me a hug and said, "Your my friend" It just really struck me as to how easy these kids are willing to trust people and accept Christ even though they have been through so much in such a short period of time. I will continue to keep Demetria and every other person that I prayed with this week in my prayers.

~Allison Heinen~

Today we went on the Bluff route, and it was another day of amazing experiences. One of the things that impacted me the most was the first person that I prayed for, Chloe. I walked up to her with Mrs. Hendrikse and we started to talk to her. Chloe told us how blessed she was by God. It really amazed me that she could tell us she was blessed when she had almost nothing, and it made me think about how blessed I was with what I had. The rest of the day was really amazing because we had all grown in our confidence of praying and being more outgoing with the people we were praying with. After we finished with the Bluff route, we headed toward the Coca-Cola Museum. 

The museum was really fun, and we all enjoyed ourselves immensely. We got to watch Coca-Cola ads from the different decades, and watch a 6 minute film that's advertising their Coca-Cola products. After all that, we went to test Coca-Cola products from different continents. One of the best experiences with that was Beverly, the Coca-Cola product from Italy. We all tried it and we all agreed it was the absolutely the worst one of them all. I personally enjoyed one of the ones from Africa, that I wasn't really expecting myself to like because it had a weird color, and the texture looked wrong, but it was surprisingly good.

-Bekah Veldhorst 

Today was REALY cool. I saw a lot of different people. Most of them took the lunch and prayer we offered. Some wanted the prayer more then the lunch. But all in all..it was an awesome workday. Once we were done debriefing, we went strait to the coke museum. IT WAS AWWESSOOMME!! Everyone had a great time in the 4D movie...i got wet.. but still.. awesome day in Atlanta.

~Devin DeSmith

Milford Baptist Church...

Our whole group

The Boy's Room

On our way to the Garden

The Garden's Parking Lot

Allison helping out with making sandwiches

Mrs. DeMaster and Jenny learning the art of bologna

Allison with Demetria

The group walking among one of the apartment complexes and ministering to people.  This was one of the rougher apartment complexes we visited.  We went to doors where people were living, banged on the doors and said, "7 Bridges!  We got food and we got Jesus!"

God's children praying with one another

Walking the Bluff

Praying with a resident

Andrew going back with two men from 7 Bridges to pray with some men

Corner where most heroin is sold on the East Coast. One of the 7 Bridges members told us business has dropped quite a bit due to police presence

The Abor Springs Group with some of the men from 7 Bridges

Sitting around after a hot day and debriefing

Lunch Time!!

The Entrance to the Coca-Cola Museum

Chris and Kim enjoying their lovely 4D glasses

Enjoying the Taste Testing Room

Everyone with their Coke souvenirs 
We closed our night with our last worship time together with the groups.  We've been focusing a great deal on on brokenness.  Much of our time has been spent ministering to others, but tonight we focused on our own brokenness and how we can use it to bring glory to God. We had a time of sharing and praying within our group tonight. It was an incredible way to close out our week together.